Spring has not necessarily sprung...

Sunday, March 22, 2009 |

I would like to retract my previous post. Spring is currently fighting and elbowing its way past winter, with some give in either direction. Yesterday our saturday trip was cancelled because of a (relatively) large snowfall. Though as a Chicagoan 2-3 inches might not seem like a enough for a snow day, when you need to drive charter busses down winding, unplowed mountain roads, it is.

Today, on the other hand, was sunny and 60ยบ. We spent the morning at the bookmaking prof Jo Ann's apartment for a southern-style brunch. Incredible. She and her son Fitz cooked the food as long as we kept bringing it. Eggs, peppers, bacon sausage... the food kept coming as we stood out on her sun-bathed patio overlooking the city.

We talked while Johnny cash played in the background, moving later to the Beatles. It was a small, wonderful, taste of home.


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