Time flies...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 |

It feels so strange to be talking about the end of the semester, but it's coming up quick. Today was the first day that I seriously started considering how I will finish all my work in time. My parents come on sunday, and they'll be here for two weeks, then Kristen comes for the week after that, at the end of which is the final show. So, in the next two weeks (if I want to be done with my work and still have time to see everyone) I have to film and produce possibly two movies, keep on top of this blog, and continue making lessons for Art Ed. I'm not stressing too bad about it, but It's a bit of a reality check that the end of my time here is coming at me pretty quick.

I think the reason my workload is even an issue is that, although I know I can get it all done, it all involves computers. Unfortunately, that means that when the weather is nicest I'll be cooped up indoors. I need to make sure I don't lock myself inside for this last month in Cortona.

The plans for booking my final trip are slowly materializing... A little bit too slowly—I really should be taking more of an initiative on it. As it stands right now, I will be going to spain, then Paris, then Amsterdam, then London, and back to Zurich for my flight home.


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